Little Stars Gacha Teddy Bear

Adorable, soft and fluffy teddy new Little Stars
Adorables, suaves y esponjoso los nuevos ositos de Little Stars
☎Cool kid Bear☏ ☎Under construction Bear☏ ☎Snowy Bear☏
☎Panda Cap☏
☎Sweet Bear Cap☏
☎Lilac Bear Cap☏
☎Ice Bear Cap☏
☎Big Teddy Bear RaRe☏ ☎Sweet Bear Cap☏

☎Like A Sir Bear☏

☎Francis Bear☏

☎Dustir Bear☏
☎Princess Bear☏

Teamwork: Silver Heart
Hair: Tram, Dura,Taketomi
Oufit: Little Nerds

                                *♥ Monthly Storybook Event*♥


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