Little Stars 4th of July

Little Stars want to celebrate with you this 4th of July and has for you this beautiful dress, you will look beautiful and will shine like fireworks. Happy 4th of July. Incluye: skirt, sandals, 2 shirts, bracelets, flag and headband with flags.
Little Stars quiere celebrar contigo este 4 de julio y tiene para ti este hermoso traje, lucirás hermosa y brillarás como fuegos artificiales. feliz 4  de julio. Incluye: falda, sandalias,2 camisas, brazaletes, bandera y cintillo con banderas.
Happy 4th of July
 Happy 4th of July
Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July
Hair: /Wasabi Pills/
Pose: ✭1L


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