Adorable family

Beau Bebe - Outfit - Mouse Outfit - The outfit includes Dress, Shoes & Chest Attachment and is available in 6 different colors ( Blue, Green, Peach, Pink, Purple, Yellow ) @ATP Events!

{BabyBurp} - Mouse - Mousey in my arms - 100% Mesh @ATP Events!

ToddleeDoo & CuteBytes - Head - Mesh Head Bento Alice (v.0.9.7)  Includes: Alpha Animation HUD Shape Eyebrows Head Skin Applier HUD Utilities HUD - Baby & Kid

[Auxiliary] - Ears - Mouse Ears - Gacha

Hair - AD


1 comentarios:

  1. Really?? You are 4 years old and running a blog? WOW, kids these days are really too mature for their age. I wasnt even aware that I existed when I was 4.


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